Fallen leaves lying on the grass…

“Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils”
– Cyril Connolly

In November, quarter 2 began and I enrolled in two courses in addition to the two (Pattern Recognition and Seminar Advanced Digital Image Processing) that I am continuing. The first is Filtering and system Identification. This course is compulsory for me as well as many tracks in the Mechanical department. The second is Information Theory. Information theory is such a vast area of study and there are still many concepts which are hard to understand.

Filtering and Identification course is the largest course (in terms of the number of students enrolled) that I have taken. During the initial lectures, there were more than 150 students (rough estimate) attending the lectures. This was also the first course I attended that had its lecture videos recorded and made available on collegerama. This is probably the reason that as we entered into December the population shrunk to one-third. The course structure certainly is interesting and engaging. The final grade is split up into different tasks. 6% of the grade depends on the 4 homework assignments, 4% on the 2 Matlab exercises, 20% on the project and 70% on the written exam (open book). With 6 ECTS, this course certainly requires a lot of time on my part to understand the concepts well.

Information Theory course is theoretical (as the name says) and most of the concepts cannot be applied to real life situation without alteration. It is a 4 ECTS course and students are allowed to carry a double-sided A4 sheet with formulas to the exam. In the Pattern Recognition course, we began our handwritten digits recognition project in which we made an educated guess of selecting 13 classifiers and testing them for the conditions given before deciding on one classifier which satisfied the requirements of the project. In the Image processing course, I was given Image Segmentation project which requires me to implement a segmentation algorithm based on the paper http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~malik/papers/arbelaezMFM-pami2010.pdf.


3D-Print Expo is taking place in the hall of the library from November 24 till January 19. The exhibition was created for the 3D print week which lasted till November 28. You can find photos in the following link. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tudelftlibrary/sets/72157649055609748/

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