Information is the oxygen of the modern age…
“Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders.”
— Ronald Reagan
After quarter 2 exams concluded in the last week of January, there were no lectures for a week. There was snow in the weekend after the exams followed by the sun shining brightly for a couple of days. The week off gave me time to read few interesting articles. In this blogpost I will mention few interesting activities that I was involved in during the exam weeks and the week after.
On the afternoon of January 26, Delft Data Science (DDS) New Year event was organized. The event included presentations, masterclasses, posters as well as an interactive panel discussion. The initial presentation gave a brief overview of the “Foundation of Data Analytics and Cyber Security” in TU Delft. Two research directions – Cyber Security through Big Data and Securing Big Data- were addressed briefly. Then the following three masterclasses were conducted:
1. Security and Privacy: Conflict or Harmony
2. Why have a lock at all? On the fallacy of ICT Security
3. Botnets: The Challenge of Bot Detection
As the masterclasses were conducted parallelly, one could attend only one of them. More details on the Masterclasses can be found here. The masterclasses were followed by a lecture on “Anonymizing Darknets”. The lecture was given by Martijn Spitters from TNO and he gave a brief overview of the kind of activities for which darknets are predominantly used. The next lecture was given by Gerald Friedland on “Content-based Privacy for Consumer Produced Multimedia.” You can watch his lecture on collegerama. The event was concluded by an interactive panel discussion wherein few specific questions were discussed.
The video below was part of Gerald Friedland’s talk and certainly requires you to watch.
On January 27, VOX had a discussion on the topic “Can we get over Territorialism” and on February 3, “What if there is no reality” was discussed. You can find out more about VOX here.
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